It's becoming mainstream to talk about single-use plastics, which is amazing. But talk and action are two different things. Which eco friendly travel …
nomadic travel
Wondering How to Pack Light? Tips from a Minimalist Traveller
How to pack light was always beyond me. After many adventures around the world, I finally admitted that I was a classic overpacker. Perhaps …
Proof of Onward Travel: Don’t Make this Mistake
Proof of onward travel was the last thing on my mind. I was in my free spirit mode when I arrived at the airport in Santiago, Chile. I was heading to …
How I Plan My Journey
Preparing for a trip? "It's time to plan my journey." It's a statement that makes me ecstatic. Travel planning. Some people love it and others …
Live The Questions: Are There Answers?
Live the questions. This Rainer Maria Rilke quote had landed on me and stuck when I first heard it years ago. “Be patient toward all that is …
Fear Of Travelling: 6 Tips To Face It And Embrace It
Fear of travelling is real. Both new and experienced travellers encounter fear. Some people's fears prevent them from exploring new destinations. …
A Nomadic Life: Musings from a Modern Day Nomad
Musings on embracing a nomadic life, later in life... The silence is broken by the chiming of church bells carried on a gust of wind from a nearby …